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Router Configuration
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  NetFlow2SQL Collector
    Routers Menu
  The Routers menu allows to add, edit , and delete router entries.

NetFlow2SQL Collector - Routers Menu
Alternatively, you may use the toolbar buttons: NetFlow2SQL Collector - Add button NetFlow2SQL Collector - Edit button NetFlow2SQL Collector - Delete button

Adding a router you have to fill out the following fields:
    - Routers Name - any text to distinguish a specific router name among others.
- IP Address - the IP Address of the router.
- Select which UDP port is used to receive NetFlow packets, one port for all routers (see the Options menu), or a separate port,
- Select what SQL server you use, Microsoft SQL Server or MySQL Server,
- Host Name or IP Address - it may be your SQL server's IP address, or its DNS name.
- Select SQL server's port number, the default port numbers: MS SQL - 1433, MySQL - 3306.
- User Name and Password are used by NetFlow2SQL Collector to access your SQL server.
- Database - any text to distinguish a specific database among others.
- Table base name which is a part of the table name format: <basename>yyMMddhhmm, where yy - year, MM - month, dd - days, mm - minute,
- Create new table every N months, N days, N hours, or N minutes.
- Drop tables older than N months, or N days - optionally, you can specify the month number to delete tables within the above database.

NetFlow2SQL Collector - Add router
  To delete a router entry you may use the keyboard button Delete too.
    NetFlow2SQL Collector - Delete router
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